Thursday, March 28, 2013

Additional Helpful Early Childhood Resources

Preventing child sexual abuse


Activities for young Children

Resources for parents



  1. Thank you for the pinterest post, I hadn't thought of that!!

  2. I am so glad that you put pinterest on your resource page. I love that website. They have so many cute, appropriate activities for children to do. We teach in themes at my school so there have been a ton of pre-made lesson plans to make my life easy!

  3. I like the site on preventing child abuse. I want to add it also - great for teachers and parents!
    Thank you

  4. I love the resource about preventing child abuse. It seems like it is a major concern around the country and it is a great resource for teachers, children, parents, and the community.

  5. I absolutely love your blog. Those resources are valuable and they are vital to the arena of early childhood education. I will definitely use these for future and current references.

    Great Job!
