Wednesday, March 13, 2013



My first year as a head start teacher was in December 2011. There was a little girl in my class who was severely developmentally delayed. She had trouble walking, talking, climbing, and she was not potty trained. She was four years old when I began as a teacher assistant. My teacher was old and didn’t seem as if his passion was there any more. In February 2012 I was promoted to the teacher and my teacher retired. I worked hard with the little girl all year. By the end of the year she was talking in complete sentences, she was climbing the playground structure by herself, she was telling her parents and her teachers when she needed to potty, and she was spelling her name. She was also beginning to write her name. Her parents were extremely happy with her success and praised me constantly. I also received constant compliments from my co-workers, my supervisors, and the little girls therapist. This was a huge confirmation that I was in the right field.       


  1. Tiffany, WOW!! These are the rewards as a teacher, to see the growth and to know that you made a difference! I taught a girl with down syndrome last year and she was not talking when we started and was saying my name and others by the end of the year, I was so proud!

    1. Yes these are the rewards of teaching :) it just warms my heart to hear stories like this!

  2. This is so wonderful, supporting "children with special needs" takes a lot of patience, courage and determination. your passion made you go further steps to make that incredible improvment in the little girl's situation.
