Mom (Keisha Lasane)
My mom gave birth to me, She loved me, she told me she loved
me, she kissed my boo boo’s, she fed me, she clothed me, she sang to me, she
read to me, she played with me, she worked so that she could take care of me
and my siblings, she took me to the park, she took me to the store to let me
get my favorite things, she did my hair pretty, she did my hair pretty, she
kept pretty clothes on me, she made sure I spent time with my family, she took
me to church, she made sure I got back and forth to school until Drugs took
over her life.
Now my mom continues to offer her love and support for me in my adult life. She is such a good grandma to my daughter and her other
grand kids.
<-----My Mom
My great Aunt Gloria –Adopted me and two of my brothers. She didn’t have children of her own but she took all 3 of us in. She
kept me involved in extra curriculum such as Church activities, girl scouts,
Delta carousel, and Eastern stars (gleaners). She got us a dog when I was in the 4th
grade. She showered us with gifts, she stay involved with school activities, she
cooked for me, she made sure we ate family style dinners, she raised me with morals and values,
she taught me to always have respect, she taught me the value of money, the
value of education. She made sure I spent time with my family, she made sure we
had everything we needed and wanted. She made sure I traveled to places I had
never been. She made sure I made friends in the neighborhood, she gave me
responsibilities around the house , she gave me encouraging advice, she set
rules that were to be followed in the home, she showed me tough love when I was
in trouble. She made sure I understood actions had consequences.
My aunt is a major part of my life, I go to her for
guidance, reassurance that I’m making the right decisions, she offers her love
and support and everything that I do.
<------ My Aunt Gloria
Grandma Mont (Catherine Lasane)- Was my mother’s mother. She loved me just as my
mother did. She was always there for me. She always made me laugh, she taught
me the value of family and made sure we stayed close, She came to school
events, she was always proud of me, in her eyes I could do no wrong, in fact in
her eyes none of her grandkids could do any wrong, she always gave any body her last,
she always cooked big meals for the whole family to come over and eat, she made
strangers feel like family, she made my friends feel like they were her family,
she always wanted her family to be together, she always drove us fun places,
she introduced me to the oldies music. She took care of everyone else before
she took care of herself; she showed me that being selfish was unfair. She made
sure I was always protected and in a safe environment.
Up until my material’s grandmothers death she was a huge
part of my life. I talked to her every day, I took care of her when she was
sick, she cooked for us even when she was sick, she baby sat all of her great
grandkids even when she was sick, she always gave me money even when I didn’t
need it or ask for it.
Gma Mont ------->
My mom <-------
^ Gma Hermena (holding my daughter)
gma Mont------->
<-------------- Gma Hermena
Great Grandma Hermena- Always made sure I had fun while in her care.
She made sure I always smiled and laughed. She offered caring suggestion, she
was always there to listen to my problems and always had a good solution. She
offered biblical guidance, she made sure I stayed grounded in the church. She
always fed me even when I wasn’t hungry. She always shopped for me even if it
were not a holiday. She always told me stories of how life was when she was a little
girl. She taught me how to fold and wash clothes. She always made sure I looked my best
everywhere I went. She stressed the value of education to me. She taught me to
be a giver.
Grand ma Hermena- is a major part of my life, I go to her
for guidance, reassurance that I’m making the right decisions, she offers her
love and support and everything that I do.
Reggie (Big Brother) – my brother always listens to me. He
makes sure I’m protected. He makes sure I always laugh. He always supports my
decisions. He helped me with math homework. He showed me how to play
basketball. He taught me how to be strong. He taught me how to stand up for
My Brother------>
<------ Me
Reggie is a huge part of my life. I talk to him just about everyday, we laugh, we joke, we hang out, we support each other in times of need, and our daughters act like sisters.