Thursday, March 28, 2013

Additional Helpful Early Childhood Resources

Preventing child sexual abuse


Activities for young Children

Resources for parents


Resources for the Early Childhood Field


*       National Association for the Education of Young Children

*       The Division for Early Childhood

*       Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families

*       Harvard Education Letter

*       FPG Child Development Institute

*       Administration for Children and Families Headstart's National Research Conference

*       HighScope

*       Children's Defense Fund

*       Center for Child Care Workforce

*       Council for Exceptional Children

*       Institute for Women's Policy Research

*       National Center for Research on Early Childhood Education

*       National Child Care Association

*       National Institute for Early Education Research

*       Voices for America's Children

*       The Erikson Institute

World Forum Foundation
This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization. Make sure to watch the media segment on this webpage

World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Read about OMEP's mission.

Association for Childhood Education International
Click on "Mission/Vision" and "Guiding Principles and Beliefs" and read these statements.

*       Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from

*       FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from


Early Childhood Journals

*       YC Young Children

*       Childhood

*       Journal of Child & Family Studies

*       Child Study Journal

*       Multicultural Education

*       Early Childhood Education Journal

*       Journal of Early Childhood Research

*       International Journal of Early Childhood

*       Early Childhood Research Quarterly

*       Developmental Psychology

*       Social Studies

*       Maternal & Child Health Journal

*       International Journal of Early Years Education




ECT Interview: Sue Bredekamp & Susan Neuman on Learning to Read
By Early Childhood Today Editorial Staff
BREDEKAMP: Developmentally appropriate practices are ways of teaching that vary for or adapt to the age and experience of the individual learner. So fundamentally the definition has not changed. Instead, it has been expanded to include the fact that not only do you have to consider children as individuals, but you also have to consider children as members of groups with their own cultural identities.
"Children benefit most from teachers who have the skills, knowledge, and judgment to make good decisions and are given the opportunity to use them".–  Susan BredeKamp NAEYC, Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth through Age 8 (2009)
multimedia segment week 2
“I always wanted to be a teacher”. Louise Derman Sparks

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Personal Childhood Web

Mom (Keisha Lasane)

My mom gave birth to me, She loved me, she told me she loved me, she kissed my boo boo’s, she fed me, she clothed me, she sang to me, she read to me, she played with me, she worked so that she could take care of me and my siblings, she took me to the park, she took me to the store to let me get my favorite things, she did my hair pretty, she did my hair pretty, she kept pretty clothes on me, she made sure I spent time with my family, she took me to church, she made sure I got back and forth to school until Drugs took over her life.

Now my mom continues to offer her love and support for me in my adult life. She is such a good grandma to my daughter and her other grand kids. 
 <-----My Mom

My great Aunt Gloria –Adopted me and two of my brothers. She didn’t have children of her own but she took all 3 of us in. She kept me involved in extra curriculum such as Church activities, girl scouts, Delta carousel, and Eastern stars (gleaners).  She got us a dog when I was in the 4th grade. She showered us with gifts, she stay involved with school activities, she cooked for me, she made sure we ate family style dinners, she raised me with morals and values, she taught me to always have respect, she taught me the value of money, the value of education. She made sure I spent time with my family, she made sure we had everything we needed and wanted. She made sure I traveled to places I had never been. She made sure I made friends in the neighborhood, she gave me responsibilities around the house , she gave me encouraging advice, she set rules that were to be followed in the home, she showed me tough love when I was in trouble. She made sure I understood actions had consequences.

My aunt is a major part of my life, I go to her for guidance, reassurance that I’m making the right decisions, she offers her love and support and everything that I do.   
 <------ My Aunt Gloria
Grandma Mont (Catherine Lasane)- Was my mother’s mother. She loved me just as my mother did. She was always there for me. She always made me laugh, she taught me the value of family and made sure we stayed close, She came to school events, she was always proud of me, in her eyes I could do no wrong, in fact in her eyes none of her grandkids could do any wrong, she always gave any body her last, she always cooked big meals for the whole family to come over and eat, she made strangers feel like family, she made my friends feel like they were her family, she always wanted her family to be together, she always drove us fun places, she introduced me to the oldies music. She took care of everyone else before she took care of herself; she showed me that being selfish was unfair. She made sure I was always protected and in a safe environment.
Up until my material’s grandmothers death she was a huge part of my life. I talked to her every day, I took care of her when she was sick, she cooked for us even when she was sick, she baby sat all of her great grandkids even when she was sick, she always gave me money even when I didn’t need it or ask for it.
Gma Mont -------> My mom <-------

                                                                                          ^ Gma Hermena (holding my daughter)

gma Mont-------><-------------- Gma Hermena
Great Grandma Hermena-  Always made sure I had fun while in her care. She made sure I always smiled and laughed. She offered caring suggestion, she was always there to listen to my problems and always had a good solution. She offered biblical guidance, she made sure I stayed grounded in the church. She always fed me even when I wasn’t hungry. She always shopped for me even if it were not a holiday. She always told me stories of how life was when she was a little girl. She taught me how to fold and wash clothes.  She always made sure I looked my best everywhere I went. She stressed the value of education to me. She taught me to be a giver.
Grand ma Hermena- is a major part of my life, I go to her for guidance, reassurance that I’m making the right decisions, she offers her love and support and everything that I do.   

Reggie (Big Brother) – my brother always listens to me. He makes sure I’m protected. He makes sure I always laugh. He always supports my decisions. He helped me with math homework. He showed me how to play basketball. He taught me how to be strong. He taught me how to stand up for myself.
My Brother------> <------ Me
Reggie is a huge part of my life. I talk to him just about everyday, we laugh, we joke, we hang out, we support each other in times of need, and our daughters act like sisters.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

My Daughter & I



My first year as a head start teacher was in December 2011. There was a little girl in my class who was severely developmentally delayed. She had trouble walking, talking, climbing, and she was not potty trained. She was four years old when I began as a teacher assistant. My teacher was old and didn’t seem as if his passion was there any more. In February 2012 I was promoted to the teacher and my teacher retired. I worked hard with the little girl all year. By the end of the year she was talking in complete sentences, she was climbing the playground structure by herself, she was telling her parents and her teachers when she needed to potty, and she was spelling her name. She was also beginning to write her name. Her parents were extremely happy with her success and praised me constantly. I also received constant compliments from my co-workers, my supervisors, and the little girls therapist. This was a huge confirmation that I was in the right field.       

Favorite Quotes

Dr. Seuss, author

"A person's a person, no matter how small."

Nelson Mandela, former president of South Africa

"There can be no keener revelation of a society's soul than the way in which it treats its children."

Mignon McLaughlin, journalist and author

"Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun."

My Favorite Chilhood book The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

My kindergarten teacher read this book to me and she read it with so much enthusiasm.  We did a lot of art activates based on the story which were fun. The Very Hungry Caterpillar was a pop up story so I loved the pictures. The story was also easy to follow so she read it over and over to us to the point we began to retell the story. This made me proud and I wanted to show everyone I could read the story. This became my favorite book.

Friday, March 8, 2013

My Passion

Early Childhood Education is my passion and has been most of my life. I have always wanted to be a teacher. Since I was younger I have been involved with Early Childhood. I went to a great 5 star day care as a child. We always had fun and took lots of field trips. I was a sunday school teacher at my Church home while in middle in high school. I was an intern student at at local daycare in high school. When I started college I tried something new, Elementary Education. I thought I wanted to be an elemntary school teacher and wanted to explore something new. I quickly changed my mind when I was a junior in College. I studied child development and family relations. Early childhood education is truly where my heart is. I want to one day own and operate my own preschool