This year I had the opportunity to attend the NCAEYC conference at the Raleigh Civic Center in Raleigh North Carolina . Dr. Becky Bailey was the guest of honor. She is the founder of Conscious Discipline.
“Conscious Discipline is the most comprehensive discipline program available. It is specifically designed to provide parents with the conscious awareness and skills needed to create safe, connected, problem-solving homes”.
“Conscious Discipline is a comprehensive self-regulation program that integrates social-emotional learning
and discipline”.
and discipline”.
‘Conscious Discipline is a longtime leader in the integration of classroom management with social-emotional learning, utilizing everyday events as the curriculum and addressing the adult's emotional intelligence as well as the child's. Conscious Discipline empowers adults to consciously respond to daily conflict, transforming it into an opportunity to teach critical life skills to children’.
“Conscious Discipline is evidence-based, and was named as a national model for character education by the Florida State Legislature”
Conscious Discipline a topic that has inspired me from the first time I encountered it. I can imagine conducting a research study where most early childhood centers in my home town, Raleigh North Carolina are required to use conscious discipline in their classroom. The other early childhood centers would not be required to use it in fact they would be instructed to use other discipline methods such as time out or removal from classroom settings. The research study would follow 10 early childhood centers. 5 would use conscious discipline and the other 5 would not. After the conclusion of the study all centers would be required to use the method of discipline that was the most effective on children. I think this study would bring positive contributions to the early childhood field. Those positive contributions include more children being loved and cared for, reduction of child abuse, children having positive self esteem, adults and children learning to self regulate, children helping other children, children creating genuine friendships, children and adults learning to express their emotions through words, children using their words to express them selves, children growing up learning to self regulate, children with less mental issues as adults, parents creating unbreakable loving bonds with their children, parents learning how to talk to their children, and much more. To learn more about conscious discipline please visit