Over half of Mexico’s population lives in poverty. Over 7% of children under age 5 are malnourished. The average income of sponsored families is $400/month, of which 75% is typically used for basic necessities like food, water and clothing.Solutions
- More than 18,000 poor youth and children in Mexico are sponsored.
- Sponsored youth and children in poverty receive vital assistance like free medical and dental care, nutritional support, educational assistance, family aid, clothing, school supplies and uniforms, shoes and more.
- Five CI community support centers in some of Guadalajara’s poorest areas provide safe havens for sponsored children, with access to computers, libraries, tutors and more.
- A broad youth program helps sponsored youth learn to be leaders, develop job and life skills, learn about finances, participate in organized sports and give back to their communities.
- An average of 90 HOPE scholarships are granted annually to eligible sponsored youth wishing to continue their educations.